WIRES Triage Course equips Vet nurses with wildlife-saving skills!
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Many of us have experienced the trauma of an Emergency Department, and the sense of relief after receiving highly-skilled triage. It’s no different for sick and injured native animals, who need medical treatment from a vet before being transferred for rehabilitation and care.
Veterinary staff do a huge amount of work for Australia’s wildlife, often under extremely stressful situations. To help mitigate stress for both staff and wildlife, the WIRES Wildlife Veterinarians and Training Team have recently established wildlife triage training with the Centre for Veterinary Education at Sydney University, so vet nurses and general vet staff can be better equipped to treat sick and injured wildlife.
Veterinary nurses are often the first responders for inbound wildlife patients and as such, can be the difference between life and death for many of our orphaned and injured wildlife. They have the potential to make the biggest impact for distressed wildlife before they’re seen by a veterinarian. The training includes safe and effective handling techniques, how to identify and carefully examine a wide variety of Australian species, and how to minimise stress through providing appropriate hospital enclosures.
This is just one more innovative way your donations are helping to save the lives of Australia’s wildlife so thank you!
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