Displaced koala receives urgent care

Displaced koala receives urgent care

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

This story was first published in our special monthly rescue update for our Virtual Carers and workplace givers – who each provide a lifeline of monthly support for vulnerable native animals.

In June, we received an urgent call about a young, displaced koala who was stranded on a fence line between two properties – both of which had large dogs. Worryingly WIRES are receiving more and more calls about displaced koalas, as roads and housing developments cut through their remaining habitat.

We quickly dispatched our QLD Emergency Responder Amy who, after some patient maneuvering, was able to safely enclose the young koala and gently check him for injuries.  

Luckily, he didn’t appear to have been harmed by the dogs, but was sent for a more thorough assessment at Currumbin Wildlife Hospital. When ready he’ll be released into more suitable habitat nearby.

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