What a difference WIRES care makes

What a difference WIRES care makes

Saturday, February 1, 2025

This sweet photo shows the difference dedicated care is providing for orphaned koala joey Ajooni, whose mother was struck and killed by a car in September.

What a difference WIRES care makes

Ajooni is now in the specialist enclosure above, where she has space to climb and strengthen her young muscles. With the continued expert care of WIRES volunteer Emma, she will be one of the few endangered koalas to survive a road strike on the notorious Appin Road in Sydney’s southwest. Thank you for helping to provide her rescue and care. 

What else can you do to help us protect koalas? 

WIRES Policy Officer Dr Colin Salter has been pushing hard for urgent safety measures for koalas and all wildlife around the Appin Road in greater southwest Sydney, where poorly planned housing estates and ever-increasing traffic are taking an horrific toll on local wildlife.  

In October, many of you wrote to the NSW Minister for Roads, urging him to implement immediate koala safety measures on the Appin Road and surrounds. Following your emails WIRES were swiftly invited to meet with the Minister’s Office to discuss a range of options, including connecting more wildlife corridors, adding ‘koala zone’ road markings, increasing signage, and trialing escape poles and ‘koala doggy doors’ following successful trials in Queensland. 

At the time of going to print none of these had yet been implemented. If you would like to remind Minister Graham of the urgency of these koala safety measures on the Appin Road in southwest Sydney you can email him at office@graham.minister.nsw.gov.au or write to him at: The Hon. John Graham, MLC , 52 Martin Place, SYDNEY NSW 2000  

Thank you for helping us protect koalas!

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