WIRES provides urgent triage for Flying Fox emergency

WIRES provides urgent triage for Flying Fox emergency

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Above photo: WIRES Disaster Relief Program has been supporting carers of Flying Foxes in QLD, Victoria and NSW as they grapple with paralysis, heat stress, and even a terrible tick infestation. This orphaned Critically Endangered Spectacled Flying Fox, being cared for by Tolga Bat Hospital, was rescued after we delivered over $3,000 in emergency funding. Part of the funding was used to purchase a 17 metre pole so rescuers could reach distressed orphans, including this pup, very high in tall gum trees after their mothers had died from ticks. 

From mid-December 2024 our Wildlife Veterinarian Dr Tania Bishop began providing urgent online consultations for wildlife carers in QLD and northern NSW as they dealt with yet another heartbreaking paralysis syndrome for Flying Foxes.   

Dr Bishop said thousands of Flying Foxes have so far been affected, with mothers and pups particularly susceptible. She believes the paralysis is caused by a fungal toxin in their fruit, likely brought on through high temperatures, humidity, and heavy rains. 

The only hope in this distressing situation is that when rescued in time, many Flying Foxes are responding to treatment. Thanks to your support, wildlife carers are being equipped with hydrating fluids, specialist formulas and eye lubricants (the paralysis affects their ability to blink) so suffering Flying Foxes can slowly recover their strength.  

Even once the paralysis subsides, it can take weeks of specialist care to get patients back into the wild, including providing flight practice in large aviaries so they can regain their fitness.   

Carers are also striving to keep mothers and pups together – whilst pregnant females are being held in small hammocks, enabling them to safely rest until the paralysis subsides.   

Thank you to our Disaster Relief Partner Woolworths, and thanks to you too for helping us provide this life-saving emergency response. Flying Foxes are one of Australia’s most important pollinators – so you are not only making a world of difference to them – you’re helping regenerate our native bushlands – a vital safeguard for every Australian species!

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