Our Wildlife Ambulance fleet is expanding - thanks to your support!
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
As Australia's extreme weather events become more frequent and prolonged, the speed, coordination and expertise of our wildlife Emergency Response is becoming more critical.
Since its launch in the wake of the Black Summer bushfires, our full time Emergency Response Teams, each with a fully equipped Wildlife Ambulance, have performed almost 10,000 critical rescues – and the number grows daily!
Our Emergency Responders are trained in the rescue of all Australian species and are on the road 365 days a year, attending our most critical and complex rescues. We currently have six Wildlife Ambulances in NSW, Tasmania and Southern Queensland and will soon be launching another four across regional areas.
Each Wildlife Ambulance is equipped with mobile incubators, oxygen units, water tanks, specialist capture and release equipment, emergency lights and navigation units, which are vitally important when responding to calls for injured wildlife in remote areas.
The map below shows our plans for Wildlife Ambulance expansion in regional NSW for early this year. Thank you so much for helping us establish this vital wildlife Emergency Response Service – every one of these Ambulances will alleviate suffering and save the lives of thousands of vulnerable native species.

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