A strong new voice for koala protection

A strong new voice for koala protection

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

As urban development rapidly encroaches Sydney's last natural habitats, koalas are becoming more vulnerable to displacement, traffic and hunger. Every year WIRES responds to significantly more urgent calls to rescue injured and orphaned koalas.

Koalas are now listed as Endangered in NSW, Queensland and ACT and urgent efforts are required if we’re to secure their long-term survival.

WIRES rescued more than 600 koalas in the last year, and thanks to your faithful support have a range of critical programs to help save koalas including dedicated 24 hour emergency rescue, dedicated rehabilitation facilities, specialist koala skills-training, and funding vital research into koala disease.

Our latest intervention is to establish the Sydney Basin Koala Network with Total Environment Centre so we can fight hard for the legal protection of Sydney's remaining koalas. This will be particularly important over the next three years when the Government considers a number of urban and mining development proposals which threaten to clear critical habitat and connecting corridors.

Our funding is engaging experts in the science, community campaigning and legal fields to give koalas the voice they so urgently need. Thank you as always, for your role in helping us protect koalas!

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