WIRES asks for help to feed hungry mouths

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

WIRES has fielded over 10,000 wildlife rescue calls from public since August and with even more calls expected throughout the breeding season, they are asking the public for help to feed an ever increasing number of hungry mouths.

WIRES Marketing and Fundraising Manager Kyla Shelley, said WIRES volunteers rescue huge numbers of young animals and fledglings during Spring, which can either be injured or simply separated from their parents and vulnerable to a variety of predators.

“The people of NSW really do care about our wildlife as witnessed by the number of calls we receive to rescue distressed or displaced native animals,” said Shelley. “This year we are asking the public to also please help us with the costs to feed all these youngsters by donating to our 2014 Food Appeal.”

According to Shelley, a $10 donation will supply milk formula to a kangaroo joey or wombat joey for one week or a wallaby joey for two weeks and a baby ringtail possum for up to 4 months. Some native animals can be in care for up to two years before being ready to fend for themselves and released back into the wild.

“The WIRES Food Appeal offers a practical and positive way for the animal lovers of NSW to assist our dedicated volunteers with all donations going directly to food and milk purchases.”

To donate to the WIRES Food Appeal or for more information please visit www.wires.org.au

Media Contact: WIRES (02) 8977 3327

Media Email: media@wires.org.au

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