Birds exposed to Fenthion released back to the wild

Birds exposed to Fenthion released back to the wild

Monday, May 22, 2023

After making a full recovery, a number of birds that were exposed to the insecticide Fenthion were released back to the wild today from Sandy Beach on the Macquarie River in Dubbo NSW.

"WIRES volunteers rescued a number of Little Corellas that responded well to medical treatment. We are pleased to announce that they have built up their strength, are healthy again and have been released to their natural environment," says Ann Mara, WIRES Dubbo.

"It is our goal with all the animals we rescue at WIRES to release them back to the wild as soon as possible.

"The longer the birds are in care the more tame they can become which doesn't serve them well when they go back out into the big blue skies. WIRES hopes the birds fly safely to new territory and go on to survive for many more years.

"The total number of birds affected looks to have totalled around 700 birds.

"WIRES volunteers rescued three Whistling kites during rescue operations which were put into care with local vets. We are pleased that one of these was released on Monday.

"We thank everyone in the community for helping locate birds in need and of course the work of local volunteers and vets who have helped bring some amazing creatures back to full health," concludes Ann Mara.

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