What the Tassie Tiger taught us

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Did you know that both female AND MALE Tasmanian tigers had pouches? They were the only marsupial in Australia in which both mum and dad had a pouch. 

Their scientific name Thylacine is Greek for “dog-headed pouched one” and they were the world’s largest marsupial carnivore in modern times.

The Tasmanian tiger was not the only unique species to call Australia home. 90% of Australian animals are endemic to this continent; they are not found anywhere else in the world. 

But sadly, many of our unique native fauna are listed on the threatened species list and are at risk of becoming extinct.

The 7th of September is Threatened Species Day. This date was chosen for its significance; as the anniversary of when the last Tasmanian tiger died in a Hobart Zoo on September 7th, 1936.

Will you help us protect our native species so that no more share the Thylacine's fate?

The Red-tailed black cockatoo is currently listed as critically endangered, Swift parrots are endangered and the Bush-stoned curlew who has an unforgettable eerie cry and an incredible ability to camouflage is also listed as endangered. 

There are 17 species of microbats in NSW that are on the threatened species list. Microbat’s echolocation is so sophisticated, we still don’t understand it completely, they are also vital to our ecosystem as they control insect populations. 

Even our most iconic and recognizable species, the Koala, is listed as vulnerable to extinction. This beautiful animal can only exist in Australia as it exclusively eats native eucalyptus leaves. Over 20% of the 523 Koalas that WIRES assisted last year had been affected by habitat loss.

In fact, all of the species mentioned are threatened by habitat loss. 

If we can stop mass land clearing in NSW we will not only save the koala but many other species on the threatened species list which would truly be cause for celebration on September 7th. 

Help us change their fate and conserve the environment for generations to come by supporting WIRES today.

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