Vets Beyond Borders - upskilling the veterinary sector to help wildlife

Vets Beyond Borders - upskilling the veterinary sector to help wildlife

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

(L-R) Fran Kearey (Comms Manager, World Animal Protection Australia); Dr Robert Johnson AM, (Chair VBB); Dr Larry Volgelnest (Senior Veterinarian Taronga Zoo); Leanne Taylor (CEO WIRES) Sally Colgan (CEO VBB) Robert Leach (Programs Manager VBB)

WIRES is working closely with Vets Beyond Borders (VBB) to ensure more vets and vet nurses can access specialised native wildlife veterinary courses. VBB is an animal welfare charity which deploys experienced volunteer vets and vet nurses to animal welfare projects and emergencies.

A WIRES grant of $60,000 has enabled VBB to provide places for up to 60 vets, student vets and vet nurses from across Australia to attend Taronga’s Professional Training in Wildlife and Treatment and Care course. The first 30 candidates supported by WIRES have recently attended the practical workshops at Taronga. 

In addition to the intensive practical workshop, this wildlife course focuses on building the confidence, knowledge and skills required for the triage, first aid, treatment and care of native Australian species.

More practical workshops are scheduled throughout the year to be held at both Taronga Western Plains Zoo Dubbo and Taronga Sydney and details can be found by visiting Taronga Wildlife Training.

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