Corella's in torturous tangle

Thursday, August 18, 2011

In March this year WIRES on the Central Coast was called out to rescue two short-billed corella's that had been tangled in the same discarded fishing line.

“They had inflicted terrible damage on each other with feathers missing from tails, eye damage and both birds were bleeding from various wounds on their bodies,” Pam Strykowski, of WIRES, said. “The fishing line had also caused terrible injuries.

“Fishing line is a common hazard especially for seabirds but any bird which inhabits the coast is vulnerable to entanglement.

“Fishing hooks also cause serious internal injuries so please take everything with you when you pack up your fishing gear to prevent injury to our wildlife.”

If you are fishing please think about the native wildlife that share the habitat and ensure all litter is removed from the shore and water when you leave. This week is 'Keep Australia Beautiful Week' and the focus is to spread the message on the impact rubbish has on wildlife. Please share this information and help us to spread the word.

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