WIRES and Landcare Alliance

The Black Summer fires destroyed millions of hectares of land, much of which was threatened species habitat, at the same time many regions of Australia had been devastated by one of the worst droughts on record. These emergency events have taken a tragic toll on native species with hundreds of species at risk of extinction.

Unprecented disasters of this scale require unprecedented collaboration to help wildlife recover. To deliver the best possible outcomes for impacted wildlife, WIRES and Landcare have joined forces in a new program funded by WIRES to implement immediate response, recovery and resilience building projects for wildlife in bushfire and drought impacted communities across Australia.

WIRES and Landcare Alliance

WIRES and Landcare have both been serving the Australian community, wildlife and the environment for decades, providing ongoing support to local communities to care for wildlife and wildlife habitat. Partnering together on this grants program WIRES and Landcare are providing networks and groups additional support to coordinate and fund projects to maximise the impact of their contribution to recovery efforts and strengthen outcomes for wildlife.

There was an exceptional response to the grants program and 64 projects were funded to support the national recovery of wildlife and wildlife habitat.

WIRES and Landcare Alliance

WIRES - Landcare Wildlife Relief & Recovery Grants 2020 - Successful Grant Recipients

ACT Group and Projects

NSW Groups and Projects

QLD Groups and Projects

SA Groups and Projects

TAS Group and Project

VIC Groups and Projects

WA Groups and Projects

Thanks to the incredible support of the national and international community to assist wildlife, WIRES is proud to be able to support these incredible groups and projects. We look forward to sharing the project updates and outcomes as they take place. These projects will significantly help with the regeneration of critical habitat to support wildlife.

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