Mange is devastating and life threatening disease that affects 90%25 of Bare-Nosed Wombat populations within NSW and is a key contributing factor to the decline of this species. Mange is caused by a parasitic mite that can transfer from one wombat to another through contact or burrow sharing, causing severe itching, hair loss, skin crusting, open wounds, emaciation and if left untreated, a slow and painful death. This disease is having devastating consequences not only for individual wombats, but for entire populations, and it can only be stopped with treatment from dedicated wombat warriors like you!
WIRES offers three different mange treatment training programs, each suitable for different groups of people:
WIRES Community Mange Treatment Program – suitable for concerned community members and property owners who want to assist in the treatment of mange in their local community or on their property. For more information about this FREE community course, please click here
WIRES National Mange Treatment Program – suitable for wildlife rehabilitators from external groups. For more information, please click here
WIRES Mange Treatment Program for members – suitable for WIRES members interested in getting involved with mange treatment at a branch level. To access this course, please visit the members website.
THANK YOU to our treatment partners and sponsors
WIRES proudly partners with Bravecto (MSD Animal Health) to distribute Bravecto Spot-On treatment to WIRES volunteers and external wildlife rescue groups treating mange - this is a life saving medication for mange-affected wombats across Australia.
If you are a WIRES authorised mange treater, or an external organisation treating mange and need to order Bravecto, please ORDER HERE.
Our sponsors are critical in helping us to deliver this program and we thank them for their continued support and dedication to this worthy cause.